Guide ZAP TSD into LP(First Bond to LP)
Previously, there were 4times of purchase and 4times transactions, but now the TSD system has been updated to create the uni-v2 with one click.
And if you purchase TSD for the total amount of lp without having to divide it by 50:50 to purchase usdc, the system automatically divides it by 50:50 to create a UNI-V2.
Click this link to purchase TSD.
Now you’ll see that the TSD token has been added. Enter the quantity of eth you want to purchase TSD( for the total amount of lp without having to divide it by 50:50 to purchase usdc) in the arrow section. Then click the swap and approve the transaction.
Then click LP in the dashboard.
Click ‘connect wallet’
Click ‘Approve TSD’ and approve the transaction.
Click Max and Click ‘Get UNI-v2' and approve the transaction.
Then click max and deposit.Please complete it by pressing the transaction approval of Metamask in the upper right.
Then click max and Bond.
Please complete it by pressing the transaction approval of Metamask in the upper right.
If the amount of money you deposited is included in Bond, it will be normal.
DAO (TSDS)0x4846239FDF4D4C1AEB26729fa064B0205acA90e1
UniswapV2 USDC:TSD Pair0x68caaD331bA8250Aef88228F87846652822AE4b5
LP Incentivation Pool