How to use ZAP properly for TSD
Contributed by PatriaAbdit from TSD Community
Having a balance between LP and DAO is very important to maximise your compounding strategy for TSD. Most people tend to stick their TSD into DAO since it is simple and compound automatically but what if I tell you that LP can also compound?
If you scroll to the bottom of LP section (, you will see provide section.
This section gives every LP owners to have compounding return for their TSD. This is how to do it.
1. Make sure you have USDC in your wallet, you can get it by allocate more of your fund or you can just sell your claimed TSD into USDC.
2. DON’T UNBOND BEFORE PROVIDING. Provide function only works if you still have TSD in reward section. Unbonding will move your TSD from reward into claimable and you won’t be able to provide.
3. Assign the amount of USDC that you want to provide and click provide then confirm with your metamask. Your LP needs to be unlocked to be able to provide, so the best timing to provide is after you claim and before Unbond.
4. That’s it, you have added more TSD and USDC into your LP without even need to adding LP manually. It will save you more money in gas cost and much more practical.
This method only works if your focus is to increase your TSD holding and won’t really help if you plan to swing trade the token. Just to give you calculation on how the compounding works. At the time this article was written daily reward for DAO is 92% and for LP 282,73%.